Applies to: Reolink PoE NVRs 

There are four types of status for Reolink cameras on the IP Channel page of NVR like the picture below:

The four types of status are Previewing, Offline, Invalid password and ConnectFail.

Previewing: the camera has successfully connected to the NVR.

Offline: the camera might be powered off or disconnect from the network.

Invalid password: the password of the camera might be changed into another one. Or the one you entered for the camera into the menu of the NVR is wrong. Please find the correct one and right drag the scroll bar to input the correct password for it.

Connect fail: the NVR assigns a channel for the camera, but they don't communicate well and cameras are not added to NVR successfully for some reason. We need to reset the NVR and camera to see whether the status becomes into Previewing after that. Please try to reset the NVR and camera to check.